YouTube Premieres: Double Income, Double Notification, Max. Watch Time

Hello friends, we are going to talk about this feature here in detail about how helpful it is for YouTubers and whether it is YouTube Income Will be double? Video watch time will increase.

YouTube Premieres is Paid or Free features and as a YouTuber how can we use it? In such a situation, if you have a YouTube channel, then it is important to keep information about it, so let's first know that…

    What is YouTube Premieres?

    We are all familiar with Premiere Word, whenever a New Movie or Show is about to launch. So first we get to see his Premiere on the Internet. As an example, you can watch Game of Thrones Premiere on YouTube.
    YouTube Premieres is a feature with the help of which we can schedule a Premiere before publishing any video and send notification about our video 2 times to our Subscribers within 30 minutes.

    YouTube premieres Features:

    What does a YouTuber have to do to make a video from Raw recording to Video Editing and how much time and hard work does it take. No one else can understand this better than that, after doing so much hard work, when we publish the video and its notification does not reach our subscribers, then all our hard work goes on.

    In such a situation, the problem of notification of the YouTube Premieres feature will be solved and together we will get some more best features. for example…

    We can send Bell Notification twice in 30 minutes before Premiere video publishes to our subscribers, one of which will go just 2 minutes before Premiere starts and Premiere will start with the countdown. Live Superchat will be enabled with our video so that users can always interact and give feedback about the video. No viewer can forward Premiere Video, as we can see in Live Stream. This will cause an increase in Watch Time on our video. For YouTube Premieres Video, we will get to see a separate watch page, in which the necessary information related to some videos will be given.

    How to Upload YouTube Premiere Video?

    This YouTube latest feature is such that every YouTuber wants to use it. If you are also one of them, then you can use YouTube Premieres as described here. For this, we do not need to install or update anything separately.

    We will get YouTube premieres to feature along with the YouTube dashboard, we have to follow these steps.

    As we all normally upload all our YouTube videos, we have to upload the Premiere video in the same way and along with its schedule option, the date and time in which the video is to be published must be selected.

    After uploading YouTube Premieres Video, a Best Video landing page will be created for us, and whenever our Video Publish will be visible to users with some Highlight feature.

    YouTube Premieres Feature is for All YouTubers?

    This feature has just been launched by YouTube in a hurry and it is not available for all creators right now. According to the YouTube update, this feature will be given to some creators first, and then it will become common for all.

    In this case, if the YouTube Premieres function is not found in your dashboard, then you will have to wait a bit. As soon as this feature is common, it will be added to your Dashboard.

    There are other questions about which you as a YouTuber would like to know. For this, you can take the support of the YouTube helpdesk, it can be understood through the FAQs mentioned here.

    Q1. Will Premiere Video Earning?

    Yes! If you have monetization enabled on your channel, then ads will show on your channel as they are on normal video. Along with this, you will also get the feature of Super Chat, also you will get a chance to earn money. In this case, your YouTube earnings can be double.
    Q2. Will this increase video views?

    Yes! Our video views will increase due to YouTube Premiere. Because it has such a feature that we can send video notifications to our Subscribers 2 times.

    Friends, YouTube Premiere may be the best feature for creators who make videos like Web Series. Because it costs more money to make a web series and also has to do time and hard work. Creators can start the promotion of their web series with the help of YouTube premieres and get information about user experience.