Top 5 Essential Tips for Tying YouTube Views

                                                                (image credit: google)

    How to increase views on YouTube videos?

    Hello friends, In today's time YouTube is the most popular income source and by using this platform, YouTubers earn lakhs of rupees every month from Google Adsense, Paid promotion, Sponsorship. But a factor plays the most important role in making money from YouTube. That is "Views" and here we are going to talk about Top 5 Essential Tips for tying YouTube Views. So if you are searching for "How to increase views on YouTube Videos" then you have come to the right place.

    YouTuber Videos Views directly impacts on YouTube channel earning and subscriber, if daily good views are coming on any channel. So both the income and subscriber of that channel will increase and its popularity on YouTube will also increase.

    But the problem with us is that the Technique we use for increasing YouTube videos Views . We do not know about it. I used the Top 5 Essential Tips for tying YouTube Views on my friend's channel to get its solution and I got its positive result.

    In this graph you can see, how the views are increasing. If you likewise have to increase Views on your channel, then you should follow all the YouTube video optimization tips that have gone here.

    Top 5 essential tips to tie YouTube views:

    How to increase views on YouTube Videos? We have talked about some of its basic terminology before. Here we will talk about some new and Advance features. You are reading "How to increase views on YouTube Videos".

    Note - Here we are going to talk about all the YouTube Videos Optimization tips for all these long-time YouTubers, if you use these tips for the short-term process. Then you might not get efficient result.

    Tips #1: Search & Videos Analysis On YouTube:

    A common problem of most Youtubers associated with the YouTube community is that to create a new video, select from Topic where we can get maximum views.

    To do such popular topic search, on which we can get more views. For this, we have called the "skyscraper technique", this is a Search Engine Optimization technique that is very famous in Bloggers.

    We have to use this technique to make YouTube videos. We have to make a video on the topic that is already on YouTube and they have got good views on them.

    We will have to analyze those videos well, after that we will have to make videos on the same topic in a better way. for example…

    If we have a channel related to Cooking and we have made a video on Sweet corn. So we have to search on YouTube "How to Make sweet corn"?

    Watch whatever video is found at the top and make a better video and publish it. Add additional features like Pros & Cons with it. So that the Viewer is able to get a Valuable video.

    Tips #2: Make Effective Thumbnail & Title:

    The two factors of any YouTube video attracts the most viewers and from them the most clicks are found on YouTube videos.

    • Video Thumbnail
    • Video Title

    Video Thumbnail should be such that it should be clear and effective and with some Attractive Text to have a glimpse of the Main Video Subject so that the viewer will know only by viewing Thumbnail which topic has been talked about in the video.

    The Video Title should be such that it is attractive and Optimize, that is, you should always use a Keyword in the title and write it so that the user will understand which topic has been talked about in the Video.

    Tips #3: Write Smart Description:

    Description is a very important role to increase views on video and to bring it to the 1st position on Google Search Engine with Video Youtube.

    We get 5000 Characters for writing YouTube Video Description. Of which 157 characters are selected for Search Snippet by Search Engines.

    Note -157 Search Snippet, selects according to the query typed by the Search Engines user. They have no fixed place whether these 157 characters will be from the 1st Line or the last Line.

    In such a situation, while publishing a video, we should also write a description related to the video topic and use more and more keywords in it.

    Tips #4: Use Card & End Screen:

    There are some features inbuilt in YouTube Dashboard that can help us a lot in increasing YouTube Views. Of these, Card and End Screen is the best features.

    If we use both these features correctly then we can increase YouTube views. There are some tips from the YouTube community, which can help us to use the End Screen and Card in the right way.

    • Must use the card and end screen in every video. 
    • Whichever videos are getting more views, use the end screen and card on them.
    • Explain Video Card Button in a verbal call-to-action manner like .. "hit the 'i' button" or "check out this playlist"
    • Add the end screen in the video from which you can use some attractive graphics and text while editing at that time. So that it can catch the user's attention.

    Tips #5: Upload Videos Regularly with Playlist:

    Many such YouTube must have seen that they have lakhs of Subscribers, but they get 100 or 200 Views in the name of YouTube Views. Why does this happen?

    Its biggest reason is not to upload regular videos and not properly arrange videos. If we do not make a video on a regular basis, then our user engagement gets deteriorated and after some time it happens that users stop watching our channel.

    In such a situation, it is very important to increase our YouTube views and to keep the Channel Popularity Maintained. Upload the regular video and make a playlist according to the topic of the video.

    Friends, Top 5 Essential Tips for tying YouTube Views, Or “How to increase views on YouTube Videos” In these given tips by following which we can get maximum views on our videos and make the channel popular. When thinking about making a new YouTube video, keep in mind all these points.

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